UQOPHE umlando umdlali wekhilikithi weqembu lesizwe labesifazane lekhilikithi nelabesifazane leHollywoodbets Dolphins, uNonkululeko Mlaba, ephinde eqokwa njengeSportswoman of the Year kumaKZN Sports Awards ngoMgqibelo ebusuku.
Lo mdlali waseNtuzuma, oteketiswa ngelika-Lefty ngenxa yokushwiba ngesandla sokunxele, uphinde wathatha le ndondo ayinqoba nyakenye ngenxa yokuthatha amawikhethi nokuba wuhlupho kubadlali ababhethayo edlalela amaProteas neDolphins phakathi kuka-Agasti nyakenye nangoSepthemba nonyaka.
Njengoba kwenzeka ngesikhathi eyithatha nyakenye, uphinde wagixatshezwa ngemoto entsha i-VW Polo ekhishwe ngabanye babaxhasi balo mcimbi, iJoma Sport South Africa.
“Ngisashaqekile ngoba bengingalindele kodwa ngijabule kakhulu. Ngiyazi ukuthi bengisebenza kanzima kangakanani. Yebo, nalaba abanye abebeqokiwe bebekufanele ukunqoba kodwa futhi nami kungifanele ngenxa yomsebenzi onzima ebengiwenza,” kusho uMlaba.
“Ukubongwa ekhaya ngokumela isifundazwe nezwe yinto eyenza ubone ukuthi ukuzidela nokuzikhandla kwabo bekungelona ize. Asizidlaleli thina kuphela kodwa sidlalela nemindeni yethu, imiphakathi esiphuma kuyo kanye nabo bonke abantu baseNingizimu Afrika.
“Uma ngiphumelela ngiyakwazi ukugqugquzela abanye abantu ababukela kimina ukuze bakhumbule ukuthi nabo bangenza lukhulu uma bezimisela, akukhathaleki ukuthi baphumaphi. Yilowo myalezo engizama ukuwuthumela njalo uma ngisenkundleni.”
Kwabesilisa umgwedli wezikebhe uHashim Lovemore, uyena obe yiSportsman of the Year. Wenze kahle emijahweni eminingi yakuleli, wamela nezwe kweyaphesheya, nakuma-Olympic ayeseParis.
Isiyonke iminxa ibingu-18 lapho abanqobile bebekhethwa khona yithimba lamajaji. Bekukhona nomunxa owodwa, oweKZN Sports Personality of the Year, ovotelwe wumphakathi kanjalo nezindondo ezikhethekile uMphathiswa wezeMidlalo, uMntomuhle Khawula, ahloniphe ngazo abathile.
Uhlu lwabanqobe kumaKZN Sports Awards:
Indigenous Games Team of the Year: Induku / Intonga
Recreation Body of the Year: Made for More Para Sports (Surfing)
School Team of the Year: Khombindlela Secondary School (Netball)
Team of the Year: Hollywoodbets Dolphins Ladies (Cricket)
Technical Official of the Year: Nkululeko Khumalo (Netball)
Sportswoman of the Year with a Disability: Alani Ferreira (Swimming)
Newcomer of the Year: Siya Masuku (Rugby)
Photographer of the Year: Graham Daniel (369Communications)
Coach of the Year: Precious Mthembu (Netball)
Sportsman of the Year with a Disability: Mhlengi Gwala (Triathlon)
Federation of the Year: KZN Cricket Union
Volunteer of the Year: Wellington Magwaza (Gymnastics)
Administrator of the Year: Precious Nzimande (Sailing)
Junior Sportsman of the Year: Tom Truter (Swimming)
Junior Sportswoman of the Year: Khwezi Khoza (Football)
Journalist of the Year: Thathe Msimango (Top Runner Magazine)
Sportsman of the Year: Hamish Lovemore (Canoeing)
Sportswoman of the Year: Nonkululeko Mlaba (Cricket)
Sport Personality of the Year: Sthabile Mnyandu (Table Tennis)
*MEC Special Recognition Awards:
Black Blazer: Vuyisile Jaca (Sailing)
Black Blazer: Sikhumbuzo Gasa (Football)
Lifetime Achievement: Jackie de Fin (Sailing)
Lifetime Achievement: Joe Hudla (Commentator)
Posthumous Award: Joel Faya (Football)