UZIDONSELE amanzi ngomsele umethuli wezinhlelo wakuleli ozakhele igama ezinkundleni zokuxhumana nange-chanel yakhe kuYouTube uLasizwe.
Ebhala ekhasini lakhe kuTwitter izolo ebusuku uLasizwa uthe: “ngikholwa wukuthi kumele siqale sifundise izingane ngobutabane kusukela eminyakeni eyisikhombisa sizenze zikuqonde ukuthandana kwabantu bobulili obubodwa.”
Abanye babalandeli bakhe kuTwitter bawugxekile lo mbhalo bethi ukfundisa izingane ngalokhu akuhlukile nokuzigquqguzela ukuthi zikhethe lolu hlobo lwempilo.
I believe we need to start educating kids from the ages of 7 about homosexuality and make them understand about same sex love.
— Lasizwe (@lasizwe) August 23, 2020
People who decided to go against making kids want to tell us how we should raise our sons and daughters. Continue doing your thing without telling us to teach our kids your values, you are against reproducing after all
Gays must teach their own kids gay culture and virtues - simple. They must respect straight people's rights. If they are looking for real war they must touch kids
— Nomakanjane (@Nomakanjanism) August 23, 2020
we must teach children love, kindness and respect from birth. that way they learn to embrace others as they are without us having to use sexuality as a basis for accepting others.
— BabesWePetitions (@Neli_Ngqulana) August 24, 2020
No that's not a good idea
I'm a lesbian but to educate her with homosexuality it's like you teaching her to be gay or lesbian 🌈
Noma iningi beliwugxeka umbono kaLasizwa, bakhona nabanye abebevumelana naye bethi abakuboni okubi ngokwazisa izingane ukuthi lukhona uthando phakathi kwabantu bobulili obufanayo.
At the age if 7 we all knew what husband and wife meant and what boyfriend and girlfriend meant... We understood heterosexuality... That's all Lasizwe is saying... At 7 children should understand that same sex relationship exist. No one is saying we must teach them positions
— uJobe (@wandileSithole6) August 24, 2020
Namhlanje ekuseni lo methuli wezinhlelo uphinde wabhala wathi akaguquki kwakusho izolo.
Kids are actually open minded than we think.
— Lebo (@LeboShu) August 24, 2020
Reminds me of a skit Jimmy Kimmel has where he asks kids if they understand same-sex marriage and they do.