UZIME wakuleli uzidonsele amanzi ngomsele ezinkundleni zokuxhumana eveza ukuthi unesifiso sokuba umengameli wezwe ngelinye ilanga.
UShufhadzo Musida onguMiss South Africa ubhale ekhasini lakhe likaTwitter ngokukhulu ukukhululeka kanti akazi ukuthi abantu bazomtinyela ngephupho lakhe. "Ngifuna ukuba umengameli wezwe," kubhala yena. 4
Emuva kwalokho kusuke esinamathambo abantu bemtshela ukuthi akaqhubeke nokuqimba njengoba ehlala ebonakala ezinkundleni zokuxhumana efake imisweswena yangaphansi.
Babodwa ebebemtshela ukuthi lihle impela iphupho lakhe futhi lingaphumelela uma engabangi namuntu. Kusukela ewufakile lo mbhalo abantu baphawule baze bahlukana phakathi abanye beveza ukuthi asikho isidingo sokuhlaselwa kwalo zime ngoba naye kuyiphupho lakhe yize abanye bemsola nangokuthi akanayo ngisho inswebu yokuba umengameli.
Abalandeli bakhe nobekubonakala ukuthi bayameseka babhoke bakhahlela kwizidlamlilo zakuTwitter ebezilokhu zimngcofe njalo lo zime. Esikhathini esingatheni kube sekuqalwa ihashtag ethi #ShuduForPresident. Abesifazane abaningi basebenzise lehashtag ukulwela lozime, nokuyinto esaqhubeka njengoba isesematheni indaba yakhe. UShudufhadzo sekuvamisile ukuthi ahlale ehlaselwa ezinkundleni zokuxhumana okuyinto engajwayelekile kozime.
Shudu is Queen. FULL STOP
— Mbuyiseni Ndlozi (@MbuyiseniNdlozi) April 8, 2021
If she dreams of being President of SA or the coming United States of Africa it is not just okay, but perfect. As a black woman & Miss SA it’ll certainly be dope to have her as President because she’s VERY smart! #HandsOffShudu Dare to dream back child!
Only people that are Broken inside will attack our Miss SA, Shudu is intelligent, beautiful, Confident and also well deserved of the title she holds. #ShuduForPresident... Bullies always hide their pain by bulling others😾
better society.Some of us are dealing with childhood trauma, but when we see presidents like Shudu , with so much confidence, love , peace, intelligence, we draw strength from you, thank you #ShuduForPresident , You're appreciated, you're loved, I love you so much and may God
— PARASITE (2019) (@EmekaPhotograp1) April 8, 2021
Some comments are jaw dropping to say the least. How do people walk around with such hatred and negativity in their lives? Be anything you want to be our Queen #ShuduforPresident🇿![CDATA[]]>🇦![CDATA[]]>🇿![CDATA[]]>🇦
— She Is Who She Is. Tsonga Royale 🇿![CDATA[]]>🇦 (@Cathy_SM1) April 8, 2021