IZUNGEZA ezinkundleni zokuxhumana i-video yocansi kaSomlomo we-ANC esiShayamthetho saseFree State.
Imibiko ithi lo wesifazane ogamalakhe nguNksz Zanele Sifuba ugilwe ngowesilisa okukholakala ukuthi uyisoka lakhe elidabuka eNigeria ebelifuna alikhokhele imali enguR300 000 ukuze lingayisabalalisi le video.
Kuthiwa uSifuba unqabile ukukhokha le mali, kwasa elanamuhla isigcwele ezinkundleni zokuxhumana.
Omunye usaziwayo oke wehlelwa yisigameko esifanayo kuzungeza ezinkundleni zokuxhumana isithombe sesitho sakhe sangasese uPrince KayBee uthe: “Uma ngibuka okwehlele uNksz Zanele Sifuba ngikhumbula ngisocingweni nomama wami ngemuva kokuthi i-video yomphambili wami isatshalaliswe yonke indawo. Bengingakaze ngimuzwe ephoxeke ngaleya ndlela. Wayelokhu ekhale njalo futhi nami angikwazanga ukuzixolela ngalokhu okwenzeka.”
Abantu abaningi abayibonile le video bayazwelana nalo wesifazane. Bathi wonke umuntu osekhulile uyalulangazelela ucansi futhi akukho okubi ngalokho, okubuhlungu yilokhu osekumehlele ngosatshalaliswa kwale video obekumele igcinwe iyimfihlo phakathi kwakhe nesoka lakhe.
A young Nigerian man released Sex tape of Zanele Sifuba the Speaker of the ANC Free State legislature after she refused to pay R300,000 blackmail money to the Nigerian man who was sleeping with her. pic.twitter.com/QT7Z3kWEry
— Man’s NOT Barry Roux (@AdvoBarryRoux) November 8, 2022
Politics aside. ANC's Zanele Sifuba didn't do anything wrong. She did what many of us do when they are alone or with their partners. It's unfortunate that she dated an idiot. pic.twitter.com/rey9elyBy7
— Xabiso Mtwana (@MtwanaXabiso) November 9, 2022
Mme Zanele Sifuba you did a right thing by not allowing this stupid foreigner to hold u at ransom for the rest of your life.. after paying R300k, it was gonna be a million rand and keep growing.. what people do in their bedrooms is none of our business.. this shall pass Mma